In the end of days
World in Ever change
Clouds are hiding sun ,
Night is on the run
‘Till it turns around
All will pass away
Nature of all things
What is born today
Surely dies some day
Now is time to pray
Om Nama Shivaya Om, Om namah Shivaya Om
Om namah Shivaya namah shivaya Om
Master of the change,
Dances and destroys
Just to leave a room
For the new to bloom,
Sing before it’s gone
Listen to the winds
Carrying away
Moments of a day ,
Secrets of a ray
What is left to stay
Om Nama Shivaya Om, Om namah Shivaya Om
Om namah Shivaya namah shivaya Om
Mirrors of a soul
Life in ever-changing gates
Waving of a Being
Being, lover, ring
Hollow & complete
Om Nama Shivaya Om, Om namah Shivaya Om
Om namah Shivaya namah shivaya Om
( Amir Paiss)
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